Prepare for Postpartum - Everything You Need to Know About Postpartum Care in 2024


Prepare for Postpartum - Everything You Need to Know About Postpartum Care in 2024

Prepare for Postpartum: Everything You Need to Know About Postpartum Care in 2024

The postpartum period is a delicate yet transformative time for both mother and baby, setting the stage for long-term health and well-being. In one of our previous blogs, we spoke about some
essential products that are guaranteed to make this journey a smooth sailing one for the Mamma. But good products only do so much, if proper care, attention, and time aren’t a part of this postpartum process. In line with modern medical recommendations, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) advocates for continuous postpartum care over 12 weeks, emphasizing the need for ongoing support, rather than support that is scattered few and far in between.

This period encompasses various components crucial for the physical and emotional recovery of the mother and the health of the newborn. 


Essentials of Postpartum Care

Vaginal Pain and Bleeding

A premiere aspect of postpartum care involves addressing genital tract trauma resulting from delivery. From mild tears to more extensive injuries, women are advised on pain management through over-the-counter medications, sitting on padded rings, and using ice packs. Identifying signs of infection is crucial, ensuring timely medical attention. Monitoring vaginal bleeding, which evolves from lochia rubra to serosa and alba, is equally important. Persistent heavy bleeding necessitates evaluation for potential complications, including endometriosis (a condition in which tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus) 

Breastfeeding and Engorgement

As we have always maintained, breastfeeding holds numerous benefits for both mother and her newborn, including reducing risks of cancers and enhancing infant immunity. Postpartum care involves assessing latch, nipple condition, and infant feeding patterns. During such initial days of nursing, support mechanisms, both professional and peer-based, are recommended. Regular evaluation of breastfeeding during postnatal visits ensures proper lactation. Additionally, managing breast engorgement through frequent feeding and various pain relief measures is emphasized. Pairing this support with the right nursing essentials like nursing bras, pillows, and breast pumps allows the mother to transition smoothly onto the next stage of parenthood.

Nutrition and Exercise

Promoting a healthy diet is the way to a healthy life, but it becomes more essential for women in postpartum, aiding recovery and supporting breastfeeding. Adequate caloric intake, with an emphasis on balanced meals, is crucial. Along with that, an additional 500 calories daily is advised for breastfeeding mothers. Paired with the diet, exercise slowly makes its way back to daily life. It is initially restricted to non-impact activities and gradually resumes to pre-pregnancy levels. This approach helps prevent postpartum weight retention, particularly in high-risk groups.

It is the dream and goal of all mothers to go back to their pre-pregnancy weight, assisting in increased self-image and confidence. 

Rest and Mental Health

There is a reason we humans love our naps, and no one perhaps loves napping more than a new mother. The importance of rest cannot be overstated during the initial weeks. While sleep may be fragmented, prioritizing naps when the baby sleeps is HIGHLY recommended. It is this rest time that allows the mother’s body to recuperate and rebuild itself, increasing the speed of recovery. One cannot mention rest and recuperation, without bringing up mental health, which, often overlooked, is a critical component. Encouraging mothers to seek help, acknowledge their feelings, and communicate openly is vital. This is where Daddies play a VERY crucial role.
The father's role in providing emotional support is highly crucial, fostering a collaborative approach to postpartum care. Sometimes all the mother needs is the father’s reassuring presence, a grasp of her hand, a kiss on her forehead, or a shoulder rub, telling her how good she is doing, and that he has her back. Always. 

Sexual Relations and Contraception

Understanding the impact of hormonal changes and physical healing, and how they run parallel to each other and intertwine, healthcare providers counsel new parents on resuming sexual activity. Clear guidance on perineal healing and the appropriate timing for contraception discussions is provided during such postpartum visits. If you are a new parent, it is highly advised that you bring this up with your healthcare provider. While it is not uncommon to immediately get pregnant after having a baby, couples are also advised against it as the mother’s body needs ample recuperation time - roughly 18 months. Contraceptive options, especially for breastfeeding women, are and should be discussed, balancing effectiveness with individual health considerations. 

Bringing Back Ancient Indian Postpartum Traditions

Reflecting on our very own age-old Indian customs, there is a resurgence of interest in traditional postpartum practices in today’s times, while in some households, they never went out of practice. Practices such as monitored isolation, post-pregnancy massages, specific diets, and recovery attire are being revisited for their potential benefits. The emphasis on warmth, both through massages and dietary choices, aligns with the holistic approach to postpartum care that we just spoke about. More on that in the future!

In conclusion, navigating the postpartum journey requires not just comprehensive, but also a considerate and kind approach that integrates modern medical guidance with practices that have stood the test of time. By recognizing the importance of each component and the steady involvement of both parents in the care process, we can ensure a smoother transition into parenthood and promote the long-term health and well-being of both mother and baby.

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