6 Winter Superfoods to keep your child healthy!

 6 Winter Superfoods that help keep your child healthy 6 Winter foods (superfoods) that help keep your child healthy

It's that time of the year, when the temperature drops and while as adults our body adapts faster it is also the season where kids usually suffer with the regular bouts of cold and seasonal flu. Wintertime also brings with it a wide array of seasonal nutritious fruits and vegetables that thrive this time of year. Eating seasonal produce is highly beneficial for the entire family and especially great for the youngest member of your family as they’re just starting to build a healthy relationship with food and this is a great time to diversify their palates by introducing new flavours and textures. Eating healthy winter foods also helps build your child’s immunity and keeps them warm.

Here are 6 Superfoods to include in your child’s diet this winter - 

  1. Jaggery

Jaggery is not only a great replacement for sugar in your child’s diet but it also acts as a great  natural remedy for cough, cold and seasonal flus.. A combination of ginger and jaggery is great for wintertime as it aids in building the child’s natural immunity. Not only is jaggery healthier than sugar but it also keeps the child warm during the winter season. Jaggery can be added in your child’s diet in various ways. You can try jaggery and nuts ladoo or even jaggery and ginger bliss balls that are ideal for wintertime. 

  1. Soups

Nothing is more ideal than a warm bowl of soup on a cold wintery day. Soups are the superfood that keeps your children warm during winters and helps in maintaining their digestive system. Soups can literally include all the nutrition you want to pack in your little one’s diet. From fresh vegetables to meat, soups literally are a wholesome meal for your little one. To ensure that the vegetables retain their nutrients the Beaba Babycook Neo is a great appliance to steam and blend your soup making the whole process hassle free while ensuring maximum benefit for your little one.  You can include a wide array of fresh vegetables in soups, Spinach, Celery, Broccoli, Mushroom, Carrot, Beans, Beetroot  or even lentils as the base for your soup.

  1. Eggs

Eggs are enriched with nutrients and protein and are an ideal breakfast or mid-meal snack option for the winter season. Research shows that eating an egg every day in the winter can help keep your vitamin D levels up as well. Eggs also have a decent dose of good fats and including these fats in your diet during winter is beneficial since they support cell growth, protect organs, and moreover help in keeping your child’s body warm. There are several recipes which are ideal for your little ones and usually are something that is so versatile and available throughout the world. From Scrambled Eggs, Omlettes, French Toast or simply boiled, there's something for every child. 


  1. Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes are a winter essential since its a natural source of beta-carotene and vitamin A, which helps in improving the body’s metabolism and boosting your little one’s immunity. Sweet potatoes are also a great source of vitamin C, which helps in improving your child’s immunity and combating winter illnesses. Sweet Potatoes are best eaten after being roasted on the pan or you can even make Sweet Potato Fries, Sweet Potato Pancakes or a Sweet Potato Halwa. 

  1. Jowar/Ragi/Bajra/Makka

While wheat is the common flour that is used across households, come winter using alternative flours like Jowar, Ragi, Bajra and Makka help fight winter flus as they are nutrient dense and keep the body warm. You can use these flours to make rotis or parathas. These can also be used to make homemade pizza bases for your little one. 

  1. Nuts

Nuts, or dry fruits are a staple winter food because besides being the perfect snack for your little one  to munch on, nuts are one of the best foods that keep you warm and energetic during winters. Nuts are full of nutrients from healthy fats to all essential vitamins. Pack some cashews, almonds, peanuts, pistachios and walnuts as an on-the-go snack to ensure your little one stays healthy the entire season. MinikOiOi Sip + Snack, Skip Hop Zoo Snack Cup, are ideal snack boxes for on-the-go snacking for your little one.  

Winter or Summer a happy meal time results in a happy healthy baby and these mealtime essentials from ezpz, Beaba and many more are bound to make mealtime something your little one looks forward to!

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