The Ultimate Hospital Bag Checklist for Mom, Partner and Baby


Firstly, congratulations are in order for a little guest will be arriving soon! After months of nurturing and waiting, to finally welcome and cradle your new-born in your arms for the first time ever - is an indescribable elation your heart may have not been prepared for.

However, what you need to prepare for the D-day is a simple yet essential Hospital Bag, that contains just what you would need to be ready from birth to back home. But what is essential? We have curated an easy checklist so you can focus on what matters – the birth of your baby. 

When to prepare a Hospital Bag?

It’s always a great idea to start ahead and not leave the packing down to the last minute. Pack your hospital bag at around 35-38 weeks, ensuring that you would only need to pick the bag and leave for the hospital when the day arrives. It’s also best to check with your hospital in advance, about all the essentials they will provide and what’s allowed to be carried to the hospital.

1] Hospital Bag Checklist for Mom-To-Be:

  • Loose clothing
  • Maternity Pads
  • Snacks
  • Nursing Aids
  • Entertainment 
  • Toiletries 
  • Footwear
  • Let’s read more about it below!

  • Loose Clothing
  • Comfortable and loose clothing is a blessing when your body is healing. Remember to get your hands on maternity dresses with buttons on the front, for hassle-free breast feeding. 

  • Maternity Pads
  • Carry a good stash of Maternity Pads of your choice, since you might experience heavy bleeding post pregnancy. Maternity pads are bigger and softer, hence they’re a better option than regular sanitary napkins. Get the right kind and comfortable fit of maternity pads here.

  • Snacks
  • Labour can be long and tiring. If permitted, carry some comfort food to make this process a little easier. A pro-tip: Skip the ones that give you tummy issues or nausea, and go for healthier options.

  • Nursing Aids
  • Don’t forget to carry nursing pads and nursing bras, or bras which you think would be comfortable and does not impede while while breastfeeding

  • Entertainment 
  • It may not be as quick as you would think! You don’t know how long your stay at the hospital will be. Keep yourself distracted with some good books and magazines or music, or other forms of entertainment. Don’t forget to put in those earphones, they’ll come in handy!

  • Toiletries
  • Carry what you would use regularly - Shampoo, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Towel, Rubber bands, Hairbands and clips, Skincare, Body wash, Face wash, Perfume to name a few.

  • Footwear
  • Carry the most comfortable pair of footwear you have and add a couple of pairs of socks in to keep you warm during labour.


    2] Hospital Bag Checklist for the Birth Partner:


  • Phone, Charger, Camera & Extra Batteries
  • Clothes & Daily Essentials
  • Snacks
  • Let’s read more about it below!

  • Phone, Charger, Camera & Extra Batteries
  • While a little detox may sound nice, it’s always good to stay connected with your loved ones during this time! Also, you’re definitely going to want to capture all the precious moments once the little one arrives, so make sure there’s enough battery and memory on your device

  • Clothes & Daily Essentials
  • As mentioned earlier, the time till the baby arrives is quite unpredictable. Pack in a few clothes and daily essentials for yourself too.

  • Snacks
  • If permitted, do carry some of your favourite snacks since you might feel hungry every now and then with all the excitement and nervousness.


    3] Hospital Bag Checklist for the Baby:


  • Baby clothing
  • Diapers
  • Warm Blanket for Swaddling, Caps & Socks
  • Baby Wipes
  • Burp Cloth or Napkins
  • Let’s read more about it below!

  • Clothing
  • Bodysuits, rompers and vests would be great, but you might have to consult your hospital in advance as to what they would recommend for your little one. Cutest ‘fits and baby clothing for your little bean, right here.

  • Diapers
  • Diapers are your baby’s best friend – no pun intended! Babies need a diaper change almost every 1-2 hours in their 1st few days here. Pro tip: Track the diaper usage pattern of your baby, as to quickly allow you to intuitively know when your baby would need changing. Start with these eco-friendly baby diapers.

  • Warm Blanket for Swaddling, Caps & Socks
  • Carry a warm, fuzzy blanket to swaddle your little one as swaddling is great to soothe your little one and also sleep better. Blankets are a must-have also because babies tend to get cold easily in the new environment. Add in a few pairs of socks for their tiny feet and a cap to cover their head too!

    Check out our recommended warm blankets, swaddles and socks

  • Baby Wipes
  • A newborn baby’s skin is extremely sensitive, so avoid using regular baby wipes as they’re harsh on the skin. You could use cotton swabs with water or organic baby wipes. Delicate baby wipes for delicate baby skin, right here

  • Burp Cloth or Napkins
  • Throw in a burp cloth or two as you will need to clean up the spittle and drool quite often. Napkins are also fine, but do ensure they are soft on the baby’s delicate skin. Browse burp cloths and more.

    That’s it! You’re all set for the day you have been waiting for.

    And if you do forget or need something specifically you need, don’t panic. You can always rely on someone to always get it for you. Good luck to you and your partner, you got this💪🏻

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